Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Share Your Complaint Free Story

Click on the above title to share how the complaint-free program is working (or maybe, challenging) for you. Helpful hints, stories of success, and questions are all welcome comments.


Anonymous said...

This program is fantastic. Already I notice my complaints going down.

Anonymous said...

I teach 4th grade and when my class heard about the original article in the Kansas City Star, they wanted to try it. I recently had a new student enroll and the other children told him about the bracelets. He wanted to try it and recently wrote the following in his daily journal. "I'm new to this twenty-one days without complaining so I have only made three days so far. I love the idea a lot! It could really help a kid like me because I can get pretty angry sometimes. It is like you are helping me with my anger problems. Thank you very much!"

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to teach children. It is this kind of comment that makes me love my job!

Anonymous said...

I am also a teacher, in an urban high school. My Unity Church started wearing our bracelets last Sunday. On Monday in class, I noticed two chronically misbehaving students misbehaving (big surprise!!) I was about to complain about their behavior, remembered my bracelet, and made some constructive suggestions to them instead. Later that class, first one girl, and then the other raised her hand and asked if their group could rehearse a specific section of the music where they were having problems. Although the more mature students do this often, neither of these girls had ever done this! OK, so who needs to learn the lesson here??? :-)
Thank you so much!
Barbara Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

So yeah, I'm fourteen and i decided to do this because i know i need it. This is my first day. Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

I'm on the 21 day road as of yesterday. Our preacher read the article in church yesterday, and is ordering bracelets. I made my own to start right away! I was just wondering if there is any place on the site that sort of defines complaining. That may sound silly - but do things like having a headache and when asked "Are you OK?" if you say "My head hurts" - is that a complaint?
I don't want to be OCD, but just want to get it right.

Anonymous said...

"To frame in the affirmative" Oh look how strong and hot my toaster is!

ValerieAnne said...

I as really hoping that there would be suggested strategies for changing thought patterns. It's kind of interesting there aren't any strategies. It's up t each individual to figure it out.
I have been working on this for only a few days. I was impatient for my bracelet so I used a ponytail elastic in the meantime. I got my package today!
I'm surprised at the few times I've had to switch wrists so far. Then I got to work and I really didn't want to be there.
I am concerned about how to address problems without labeling it as complaining. Another thought I've had is that not complaining is NOT suffering in silence. It is about "letting whatever happens be OK". I can be unhappy about something without grumbling. I can be detached from the outcome. I can be unhappy with the outcome but still be 100% ok inside - because God is always with me. I can always find something to be grateful for.
I can't WAIT to see what kind of person I'll be when I'm done!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's day two for me, and my wrists are sore from all the switching over I'm doing (Oop! Another switch!) but I think I can safely say that for the first time in my life, I actually WANT to be complaint free. This is a hugely helpful program for me, because not three days ago I was praying for a way to change my negative thought pattern into a positive one, and then BAM! These braceletes arrived in the mail.

I ordered four of them: One for myself, and three for my friends. (Their wrists are sore, too! ^_^)

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for starting this movement. I feel better already!

Anonymous said...

This is the high school teacher checking back in again. Several weeks into the bracelet-wearing, and my choir room has changed; my students have changed! Or did they? OK, WHO really did the changing? There is a different energy, a different atmosphere, a different feel to my little space here in the school. My relationship with everyone, which is usually good, is moving towards great. And, as everything I am reading these days reminds me, if I have a problem......it's always about me! Thank you so much for starting us on this movement towards our Highest Good!

Anonymous said...

read your story in People while running on treadmill today. i am not of your faith, but a christian and believe that the Lord had me read that article today. i consider it a "for me", what i write in my scriptures when a particular verse speaks to me. thank you for sharing and i cannot wait to get my bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm a bus driver. I hear many complaints. I want to do my little part to make the world a better place so I try to contribute something positive whenever I hear a complaint. It's hard sometimes not to add to it. I think these bracelets (I ordered 5 and I hope it's OK to order more as I may need to, I have a feeling) will make it even better. Thank you for putting positive intentions into the world and for helping all of us do it better. Bless you.
Kathy Schaefer
Tacoma Washington

Anonymous said...

well I also just read the article in People magazine and think this is such a wonderful thing you are doing, I'm in high school and it is very hard not to complain about things and hopefully this will help make a little chnage in someones life with my new positive attitude, I can't wait to get my bracelets!! God Bless and good luck everyone who is working towards their 21 days!

Anonymous said...

I have just ordered the purple, what a terrific program I can not wait to start and share this with my family, friends and fellow workers, also I am a Flight Attendant and there is way too much room for complaining, I am certain my wrist will be sore for some time but I want and need a new attitude. I am wishing everyone out there that is or just starting the program all the success in the world, God Bless all and keep working at make this a better world to live in. We all can do it, it only takes faith in yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I just ordered bracelets today after hearing a radio interview this morning about this "movement." I think it is very exciting and an excellent idea. Just being aware and conscious of all the complaining/griping I personally do, will surely help me complain much less, and ultimately... not at all... what a great challenge! I'm president of a local (Kansas City) volunteer dog-rescue group. We see a lot of horrible and frustrating things in the work that we do... that is a statement of fact. But how we respond to these things is the real key, isn't it? I ordered bracelets for each of our volunteers as well as for myself, and I believe this could really help us with our rescue work, as well as in our personal lives. Best wishes!

Kel-Bel said...

I put in my order for my bracelet, after trying to keep track for just one hour yesterday on my own. I am a middle school teacher. I tried this out in my most rambunctious class. I've done a lot of professional development stuff inthe past that has helped me and this seems to be the final piece fo teh pyuzzle. Concious Discipline taught me to recognize my emotional barameter and to breathe to calm down, the FISH philosophy taught me I can choose my attitude., so every time I felt like complaining I tooka deep breath and said to myself I choose to be positive. It really helped. I can't wait to get my bracelet, I've suggested getting them for the entire school for next year as our character ed program.

Anonymous said...

We just started this at my office. There are 12 of us and we are trying really hard to be good. There is a jar on my desk and everytime someone complains or is negative, they have to put in a quarter. At the end of our 21 days we are going to have a party with the money we have collect....whether it be ice cream or lobster!!! haha!! We are having so much fun re-phrasing things in a positive light. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm very excited to get the bracelets. I have been going through breast cancer treatments and all is looking up. I wan't to challenge my family, including myself, to live a more "complaint free" lifestyle, as I often don't have the energy to step in, when needed! I believe it'll make us all better people, on the road through this recovery!

Anonymous said...

I was rounding up the magazines to put in the recycle bin when I just happened to leaf through the issue of People with the complaint free article. Although I had already read that issue I guess I had missed that page. Somehow I don't think finding that article was an accident. I have now ordered my bracelet and will be on the road to a complaint free life. Boy do I need it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea, but like some others, need some help with the definition of "complaint", especially when it comes to parenting. If I see my son tracking mud across the kitchen floor, and say, "Stop, the floor's getting muddy! Take your shoes off.", and then together we clean up the mud... is that complaining? Or the person's comment earlier about how we respond when asked how we're feeling when we're feeling lousy. Help please!!! Thanks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think there's a difference between a problem and complaining. For example, 'They need some paper towels in the ladies room at work' is a problem that needs fixed, whereas 'They never refill the towel dispenser in the ladies room' is complaining (i.e., whining!). In the case of the headache, illness isn't complaining, unless it's a constant, ongoing daily routine - I think we all know people who always have 'something' wrong with them. As for disciplining children, that would not fall under complaining either. Telling a child to do their homework, or clean their room isn't complaining. Telling them they never listen to their parents, and bombard them with similar comments would be complaining to me. Any comments on those ideas?

Anonymous said...

If your thought process starts with, "I wish so and so would stop (whatever activity you don't like such as tracking mud on my clean floor..."), then that's probably a complaint. I have trained myself, for the most part, if someone is not doing what I think I want them to do, then I start wanting something different...I am in a different type spiritual program, but am looking forward to receiving my purple bracelets to have an even better reminder to get out of self and take action to help others.

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful.” ~Buddha

Anonymous said...

Many years ago, my boss called me into her office and told me she was tired of hearing me complain. "Find a good thing to say and stop whining". That night I told my sister all about the conversation and we had a good laugh about it. Several weeks later in the mail I received a cute little embroidered wall hanging from my sister that said "Thou Shalt Not Whine." I have kept it in my office ever since. I now believe in the laws of attraction and try to always be positive.

Anonymous said...

“If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the
million who won’t survive the week.
If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture or
the pangs of starvation,
you are ahead of 20 million people
around the world.
If you attend a church meeting
without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death,
you are more blessed than almost
three billion people in the world.
If you have food in your refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof over
your head and a place to sleep,
you are richer than 75% of this world.
If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish someplace, you are among
the top 8% of the world’s wealthy
If your parents are still married and alive,
you are very rare
If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can,
but most do not.
If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can
offer God’s healing touch.
If you can read this message,
you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world
that cannot read anything at all.
You are so blessed in ways
you may never even know.”

Anonymous said...

well, i just started the bracelet today, and it's much harder than I thought that it would be.I found myself not talking as much because I realized how much I have complained in the past.My whole family started the bracelets today, and the house has been more peaceful. I'm 11 and ready to be complaint free!

Anonymous said...

I am a complainer. I have every right to complain, and I don't want my right to complain to be diminished or taken away. If you had my problems you would complain too. You don't want want to hear them so I won't go into gory detail. I have at least 10 medical problems, 12 prescriptions and can't work and not retirement age. I have pain 24/7, so when I complain my shoulder hurts that is just the tip of the iceberg. In addition my husband is about to lose his job due to downsizing. All I want is some empathy from people. Why would you want to shut me and others like me up and offer them rubber bands? I want a hug and a prayer not a purple band. I want understanding and empathy. Your church is supposed to be praying for people. In my church we pray for the sick and dying, for peace, for all the evil in this world. You can't put blinders on and say problems will go away if you don't think about them.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Years ago when we would complain to our mother she would say to us "did your wooden leg go on ok today?"....my sisters and I have updated it and now say "it could be chemo". Then it was chemo for my younger sister and the we said "you could be losing your hair". We thank God everyday that she is well and in recovery. I take 18 pills a day and am only 56 years old, and I thank God everyday that I have money to buy the pills. Maybe you should too!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of psycho pop! It's natural to be angry, to complain and to express bad feelings. Just stop pretending that everything is beautiful. And to moderate comments, isnt't it a form of negativity? ;) You dont only censor yourselves, you censor others too. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The way I see things, ask for the hug, empathy, prayers, etc. Then welcome them into your heart. Life is hard and yours sounds really hard. I will pray for you to find peace to see the brighter side of life.

We have gotten out of the habit as a family of saying 3 things we are grateful for everynight. In addition to our bracelets we are going to reinstate graditude for the life we've been give - the good and the bad because at least we have life.


Anonymous said...

With the way they have been complaining at mypsptubes@googlegroups.com
how many cases do you have on hand??

Anonymous said...

I just started doing this and was actually wondering if perhaps keeping a log of the THINGS I complain about and/or a tally of the number of complaints could help to put things in perspective.

does anyone have any tips?

Anonymous said...

Wow... I really love these band ideas. They are a great way to date ourselves. Ten years from now, people will look at the purple band on the floor and sell it on Ebay with their pet rock collection and mood ring set. Ah! I feel better already. I can make money off of this in the future.

Anonymous said...

Wow... I really love these band ideas. They are a great way to date ourselves. Ten years from now, people will look at the purple band on the floor and sell it on Ebay with their pet rock collection and mood ring set. Ah! I feel better already. I can make money off of this in the future.

Anonymous said...

I am excited about getting my students going in this program. It is so evident that when we take thoughts captive before they become words it is effective. This will bring more awareness of not only what they are saying, but what they are thinking, as well. I can't wait to get the bracelets.

Anonymous said...

I purchased and gave out ten bracelets. A daughter-in-law's comment was, "I hope to get a tan line from never having to move the bracelet." Isn't that a wonderful attitude?

Anonymous said...

I think this is a wonderful idea- I cant wait to share it with my co-workers and students- what an inspiring Christian example you are setting for the world to follow! you have truly inspired me today- and i hope to inspire others, thanks for the bracelets!

Anonymous said...

I think this is a wonderful idea- I cant wait to share it with my co-workers and students- what an inspiring Christian example you are setting for the world to follow! you have truly inspired me today- and i hope to inspire others, thanks for the bracelets!

Anonymous said...

fact = "there are no paper towels in the ladies' bathroom"

opinion = "in my opinion (or i think) someone should make sure that there are paper towels in the ladies's bathroom"

suggestion = "here is a schedule that i created which lists when the paper towels are to be replaced in the ladies' bathroom. perhaps we should try this and see if it works"

complaint = "there are *never* *any* paper towels in the ladies' bathroom"

Anonymous said...

My neighbour (at work) told me about this concept yesterday and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE IDEA. Especially being an optimist and being around so much negativity at work. We decided (just between the two of us)'hey, we should try this'. Little did we know NOT COMPLAINING was much harder than we ever imagined. Not even 30 minutes from the time we made this deal, I was washing my hands in our NEWLY renovated washrooms at my work and the automatic soap dispenser did not work. I said out loud to another person (who I did not know) "can you believe this a brand new bathroom and the soap doesn't even work". Then I remembered my promise and said to this stranger "was that a complaint?". They responded 'yes', and quietly left the room. Probably thinking 'what a cook this woman is'!!!

I got back to my desk and told my friend of what I had done and we had a good chuckle. Then not even 10 minutes after this, she turned to me and began complaining about the choice of movie her sister chose that they would go to...and we giggled again.

The more I frustrate myself with not being able to last even 1 hour, the more I want to try harder to reach at least one full day (and eventually 21 days).

We are going to try and take this to the next level. I've ordered bracelets for all the people around me at work & home and I am going to try and spread this concept and WHO KNOWS, it may transform our entire workplace and even our lives for that matter.

I will report back (once we spread the word)and advise how it is working and thank you so much to the founder of this concept - it is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC.

Anonymous said...

this is such a great cause!!! who ever invinted these braclets should be nominated for a nobel peace prize!!!

Karen K. said...

I don't have a bracelet yet. I saw them on a recent Oprah show. Just the concept, however, has been life changing. 'Not complaining' is not a new idea but somehow it's different this time. In just two days I am so much happier! Complaining makes us miserable and everyone around us miserable!!!

Anonymous said...

I find myself challenged and challenge others. Together as we wait for our bracelets we find ourself more aware of the complaints that we do make. We struggle with what constitutes a complaint and seek out meaning of it daily...perhaps a sign of denial when we defend a possible complaint. We have begun to change our ways of thinking and reactions however continue to struggle with frustrating situations around us. This challenge is what I think we all needed as life can be stressful but there are some things we do control and that is ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I find myself challenged and challenge others. Together as we wait for our bracelets we find ourself more aware of the complaints that we do make. We struggle with what constitutes a complaint and seek out meaning of it daily...perhaps a sign of denial when we defend a possible complaint. We have begun to change our ways of thinking and reactions however continue to struggle with frustrating situations around us. This challenge is what I think we all needed as life can be stressful but there are some things we do control and that is ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Dear Christ Chirst Unity,
I am sending you a donation for $18.00 for my Complaint Free World bracelet. I am Jewish and in the Jewish religion, Chet is the eighteenth letter of the alphabet. Chai means life in Hebrew and it begins with the letter Chet. For happy occasions, many donations in the Jewish faith are made in increments of eighteen. Reverend Bowen, I love your idea. I am a firm believer in this concept and I think you are already making a HUGE difference in this world.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

"A Positive Way" by Ralph Marston of "The Daily Motivator":
"How do you keep yourself positive when the people around you are so negative? How can you maintain a positive approach when the situations and events around you are so troublesome?
A sincerely positive attitude is not a reaction to the way things are. Rather, it is an expression of the way you choose for things to be.

Being positive is not an unrealistic or naive view of a negative world. It provides you with a solid foundation for making real improvements in the world and creating meaningful value.

Being positively focused enables you to see, and to make the most of, opportunities that would otherwise be invisible. Being positive gives you the energy to move forward no matter what the obstacles may be.

When you focus on the positive aspects of a situation, there will be plenty of people who disagree with you. But that is their problem, not yours.

Look beyond those who argue for defeat, and find the path to victory. Whatever the current situation may be, you can always choose a positive way forward. "

-- Ralph Marston

Anonymous said...

To the poor lady who is a complainer:

"I am a complainer. I have every right to complain, and I don't want my right to complain to be diminished or taken away. If you had my problems you would complain too. You don't want want to hear them so I won't go into gory detail."

I have been praying for you and your husband, especially your husband. Life sometimes is rough, but God never gives us more than we can handle...if we turn to him for help, guidance, instruction and LOVE.

Bad things happen to good people. Whether we choose to mope about and complain about how unfair life is...that's where this spiritual program comes in. Some complaints are valid. Other complaints (probably 98.2%) are just to hear ourselves whine so others can feel sorry for us.

So, rise up off your pity pot, give your husband a big hug, tell him you love him and then the two of you go help someone else who needs help more than you. Go down to your local Children's Hospital and read stories to a blind child, or to a child who has lost all of her hair due to chemotherapy. I guarantee you will feel better.

God Bless you and your husband.

lovexichelle said...

Hey i havent got mine in the mail yet but i count down the days!!!16 left i hope that would bring me to 6 weeks of waiting!im only 11 and heard of the cause on opera it was really hard to find the site that i could order them on and trust me i need it! i was so determind to order them i order some for my friends and family and my teacher he complains alot! pray that they come soon i complain alot! it wouls be better for my family and me if i coulkd stop compplaining!

Anonymous said...

I live in California but was in KC when the Today show aired a segment about this program. We were leaving for a trip to the Holy Land and Paris the next week. Your church was between my sister's house and the airport and my husband and I were on separate flights, so he dropped me off at the airport and went back to your church to pick up bracelets for our entire tour group.

In Jerusalem we had every kind of weather except sunshine. It rained so hard that water ran down the street and into our shoes. The wind blew hard enough to turn our umbrellas inside out. It even snowed! But we were wearing our bracelets and no one wanted to be the first to complain! We laughed a lot more than we normally would have in those circumstances - and by looking for the good in the situation, we actually found it. We really did have a wonderful vacation! God is good!

Anonymous said...

this is great so i came up with another idea while i am not complaining, what am i saying? Everything God created, he said it first. So i also wear an inspiration bracelet that have a positive word on it. so while i am not complaining i am saying something positive. I am giving them out free! just email me at gsmith3613@comcast.net. I will mail you one.

Anonymous said...

this is great so i came up with another idea while i am not complaining, what am i saying? Everything God created, he said it first. So i also wear an inspiration bracelet that have a positive word on it. so while i am not complaining i am saying something positive. I am giving them out free! just email me at gsmith3613@comcast.net. I will mail you one.

Anonymous said...

My teenage son and I watched the oprah segment and requested the bands, he has made a sign , days free of complaints , we have it in our kitchen and being an apartment caretaker we generate alot of complaints. but within our house they have dropped over half.
and for every hour we save complaining we spend on a community program , volunteering with the elderly , gardening , and the foodbank.

Anonymous said...

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality."
The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon."
The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it."
The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean."
"No. They will go there too."
The buffalo said, "I will bury it on the Great Plains."
The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there."
Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, "Put it inside of them."
And the Creator said, "It is done."

Anonymous said...

Such a simple, inspirational idea and the magnitude of the message is prophetic. I pray that this will be a turning point for all people.
And NO complaining about the weather either!

Anonymous said...

at some point in the last year it occured to me that i was hating a lot. "i hate this soft drink flavor" "i hate this tv show" "i hate that polititian." every time i said, i heard it, so i was experiencing that hate twice. and since no one cared, i'd have to re-complain to make sure everyone knew how disappointed i was. i was just a little squirt-gun filled with venom, ruining everyone's day. finally i just either shut my mouth, or picked another option that i enjoyed.
now instead of venting my hate with my mouth, i can quietly declare my inner peace on my wrist. (just ordered it!) yellow and pink have brought awareness to cancer and the need for its cure. i'm hoping purple will make us aware of our need to be kind.

Anonymous said...

I live in the South Bay in Los Angeles County (about 15 minutes south of LA International Airport). I am a huge fan of the AVP (Associated Volleyball Professionals) and its Beach Volleyball Playes and Tour. It seems that every year when the season starts the complainers who are not in support come out and onto the AVP Message Board for fans. Oh sure they go to the tourneys, but they still continue to moan and groan.

I loved reading this story. I myself try and live a positive as I can. I try and live by the following: "Make Somebody Happy, Make Somebody Strong." Carlos Santana.


Anonymous said...

I heard about a complaint free world on Oprah. Right away I ordered the bracelets for my husband and I. Although I have not yet receiced them... the challenge has made a huge difference in my life. Not only does it remind me not to complaine but it has improved how I react to every situation in life. I have gained a tremendius amount of patience. More then I ever thought possible for me. Thank you for the inspriation. I have seen a huge difference in my toddler aged children just from myself changing. I think of all the people who have made this comittment everday. Thank you, K.K.H. California

Anonymous said...

I think this is an amazing idea and I hope with all my heart it will have the desired effect. However your concept is to not focus on the negatives in life, or to put it a better way to focus on the positives. So is it wise to have the word (a very negative word) complaint as the main focus. Would it not be better to use a positive word. Ie focusing on the desired behaviour rather then the negative one. This is a new concept for me and one I am finding very successful. Through out my day I focus on using positive words and on behaviours that I want. Ie when talking to my children, rather than "complaining" about the behaviour I ask for the appropriate one. ie Please walk inside, . We should be accepting of our lifes and the challenges we are given We all have the power to be happy or sad or angry. Choose HAPPY after all you deserve it. :)

Anonymous said...

When I got to work this morning, there was an email in my work email in box talking about these purple bracelets... & the fact that we were apparently ordered to stop distributing & wearing them in the workplace... just because of religious affiliation & the "need" to keep religion & work separated. I, myself, am Wiccan & have been so for the past almost 11 years, but I totally agree that we all need a complaint free workplace. I work in a large call center in the Pacific Northwest, east of the Rockies, where there is a lot of negativity that needs to be dispelled. I'm wearing my bracelet right now at home & so far it's working... only time will truly tell, right? Why do people seem to be so "scared" of a little piece of purple rubber around someone else's wrist? Especially in an environment where almost everyone "looks the other way" when it comes to things that they don't like or don't "approve" of...

Anonymous said...

Hi eveyone, I am a stay at home mom and I have a web based business. I have a pretty happy company and it just amazes me when someone complains about not getting the free thing that my company helps distribute. It's called www.freebirthdaystuff.com so I now write back and tell the members that the owners of the companies listed can change their status at any time, but instead of complaining just let them know your be back next year and hope they change their policy again. Guess What, 3 companies out of 4 went back to giving things back for free. Thank you I put a blue rubber band on my wrist until I get the Purple one. God Bless and Happy Birthday to everyone.

Anonymous said...

Morning to everyone,

I have never entered my thoughts this way, however yesterday I had a more than difficult day. I am truly trying to understand the concept of positive energy, although it seems to me that most around me are very negative. Sometimes I feel that the world has gone "mad". I simply wish that more people would try to take the approach of putting themselves in another's shoes. To be careful to not treat someone with disregard and disrespect. To not purposely try to get even, or vent one's anger. I have tried to be positive, waking everyday, and telling myself that it is a great, new day. I hope that other's can try to do that too. I know you cannot change another person, I just haven't realized the way to dispell their negative effects. It is difficult to not personalize all these feelings. Any words of advice?

Anonymous said...

I came across with this ideia while whatching the Ophra show. I believe this is one of the most positive ideas ever, and i hope the message spreads all over the world. Wouldnt it be nice to have a trully complaint free world? I don't think i can buy one of your bracellets here now, but i hope that in the future it will be available. Keep on with the good work. Cristina PORTUGAL

Mike said...

Toady marks 21 days of not verbally expressing a complaint.
The journey was way more difficult and way more interesting than I ever imagined it would be

My adventure is told at: http://www.myspace.com/mlstraw

Thank you

Mike Strawbridge

Anonymous said...

Thank you, I never thought I worded myself in a complaining way. So glad I have this simple braclet to help me help myself.